Thursday, September 24, 2015

And We Have a Time (A New House Update)

Almost Ours!

I got the call yesterday afternoon that our loan has come out of underwriting (kind of - UGH) and that we have been cleared to close - pending a few things that I had to fax over (pay stubs and cancelled checks) and pending the final closing numbers.

Our loan processor is going to be working on getting our HUD numbers today so that hopefully she will have an idea for us on Friday of what we will need to bring to closing (the last calculations put us leaving closing with around 150 dollars but now it looks like we may have to pay - UGH AGAIN).

We do now have a closing time (progress right). But they were very careful to put in the letter that this date and time could change at anytime - UGH!

However the good news is the date has stayed the same October 1 (so far)! So for now it appears that in a week we will be home owners!

5 days till our final walk-through! (I can barely stand it!)
7 days till closing (PLEASE LORD!)


  1. You and your family will close on 10/1 without any complications. Jesus came so that we could have life more abundantly.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement! I am always so thankful for the words of faith that you speak into my life!
